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The ESXi host must produce audit records containing information to establish what type of events occurred.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-256396 ESXI-70-000030 SV-256396r885969_rule Medium
Without establishing what types of events occurred, it would be difficult to establish, correlate, and investigate the events leading up to an outage or attack. Satisfies: SRG-OS-000037-VMM-000150, SRG-OS-000063-VMM-000310
VMware vSphere 7.0 ESXi Security Technical Implementation Guide 2023-06-21


Check Text ( C-60071r885967_chk )
From the vSphere Client, go to Hosts and Clusters.

Select the ESXi Host >> Configure >> System >> Advanced System Settings.

Select the "Config.HostAgent.log.level" value and verify it is set to "info".


From a PowerCLI command prompt while connected to the ESXi host, run the following command:

Get-VMHost | Get-AdvancedSetting -Name Config.HostAgent.log.level

If the "Config.HostAgent.log.level" setting is not set to "info", this is a finding.

Note: Verbose logging level is acceptable for troubleshooting purposes.
Fix Text (F-60014r885968_fix)
From the vSphere Client, go to Hosts and Clusters.

Select the ESXi Host >> Configure >> System >> Advanced System Settings. Click "Edit".

Select the "Config.HostAgent.log.level" value and configure it to "info".


From a PowerCLI command prompt while connected to the ESXi host, run the following command:

Get-VMHost | Get-AdvancedSetting -Name Config.HostAgent.log.level | Set-AdvancedSetting -Value "info"